Thursday, September 10, 2015

Clare- Chasers of the Light

#15 A book of poems

Angie sent me two books after my visit in Nebraska. She sent me my favorite poet and one of hers. Chasers of the Light is by Tyler Knott Gregson, who is one of Angie's favorites. I've seen him on pinterest before, and thought his work was beautiful. I'll share two of my favorites from this book first...

^^^ I really liked these two. I love his chosen medium. He types thought for thought on bits of discarded paper. I love that. The pages of this book are all beautiful.

However, often TKG's ideas and ideals of love are QUITE different than mine. I honestly found his poetry rather creepy sometimes, lol. This is not someone I'd want to meet. Here are two examples.
I joked with Angie about it... she was mostly unamused, lol. I know I'm probably being too hard on TKG... but for real though. Neither of these are examples of a love I would want. Jeepers!!!

Angie: 6 books
Clare: 13 books
Total: 19 books

Clare- The World of Post Secret

#22 A book with pictures

Tonight my friend Naomi came over, and we went to Barnes and Noble found books and read them! I chose a Post Secret book. If you don't know Post Secret is a really cool social experiment that a guy set up where anyone can anonymously send a postcard with their deepest darkest secrets. Over the years, it has exploded from an idea to several books, an online community, and even an app! It's one of those beautifully unifying aspects of humanity: we all have secrets. This is one of those awesome cultural experiments that leaves you feeling less alone and less like a freak. I highly recommend you check it out either online or in print!

Angie: 6 books
Clare: 12 books
Total: 18 books