Friday, August 28, 2015

Clare- Jaws

In a sentence.... The movie WAS better than the book! (And I listened to the audio version... Too much elicit affair, not enough shark eating people.) I'll stick with Speilberg :)

Lol, this was my #14 A Book Set in Summer

Angie: 6 books
Clare: 11 books
Total: 17 books

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Clare- Bossy Pants

#18 A book with a blue cover

This is another book I listened to the full audio version on Youtube. It was Tina Fey reading it. I liked it for the most part. It was best in the beginning and end, when Tina was telling stories from her life. The middle was bogged down in an instruction manual of sorts of how to be a good boss. That didn't make for the most interesting listening. BUT Tina also included some sarcastic prayers and lists that were very witty. I truly enjoyed those.

Angie: 6 books
Clare: 10 books
Total: 16 books

Clare- An Abundance of Katherines

#6- A book by an author you've never read before

John Green... he's become something of a household name. I kinda wanted to know what all the fuss was about. Angie read, cried, and told me about The Fault in Our Stars, but I was like, "meh." I found a display at Barnes and Noble advertizing which John Green book is right for you. So I bought and read An Abundance of Katherines.

I know I'm going to offend all of the John Green fans out there, but I still don't see what all the fuss is about. Disclaimer- please remember I am not a very big fan of fiction. The characters were alright, but they weren't real... They were just characters, and this was just a story. It was a bit chintzy too... So my first impressions were "meh", and sadly this book did nothing to change my mind... I'm still feeling very meh about John Green. Sorry John if you read this. I know you are a real person, and I don't want to insult you. You've got a big fan base; you don't need me, lol.

Angie: 6 books
Clare: 9 books
Total: 15 books

Clare- Have a Little Faith

#2- A book that was made into a movie

Mitch Albom is one of my all time favorite authors. His style is like a father telling his college age children the things he has learned. I read my first Mitch Albom book in high school. I just picked up Tuesdays with Morrie on a whim, and it became probably my favorite book of all time.Since then, I have read every one of his books I could find. This book was no exception. I dog-earred several pages because I will go back and reread them. 

Mitch Albom writes mostly about death, but not in a depressing way. It's about learning peoples' stories and recognizing that our lives are short and unpredictable. It's about living our lives well, inspired by the ones we look up to. This book centers around two influential men in Mitch's life. One is his childhood rabbi. The other is a hard knocked, Detroit pastor of a church that is literally falling apart. Mitch examines these Men of God and faith, and begins to re-examine his own faith journey.

Annnnnddddd, apparently it has been adapted into a made for tv movie. I was going to use this book for #7, but now I can re-read one of his other books! Yay!

Here's a link to the movie info.

Angie: 6 books
Clare: 8 books
Total: 14 books

Clare- Yes Please

#13 A Book With a Female Heroine

I love Amy Poehler! From Mean Girls to Parks and Rec. She is so endearing and full of life. I actually listened to the full audio book as read by Amy on Youtube.(A good way to work on this challenge while cleaning, eating, living my life!) I really enjoyed hearing Amy tell stories from her life. She had some special guest readers along the way. It was very witty. There were also some very valuable lessons about seeking forgiveness and being yourself. Amy is down to earth, and I feel wiser for having spent the time to listen to this.

Angie: 6 books
Clare: 7 books
Total: 13 books